README.text -- Textfile-based user authentication ------------------------------------------------- you don't need a database anymore for storing user data! a plain text file will do it as well... structure: --- username1:password1:uid1:gid1:homedir1 username2:password2:uid2:gid2:homedir2 ... usernamen:passwordn:uidn:gidn:homedirn --- exapmple: --- phanatic:password:1000:1000:/home/phanatic anonymous:anonymous:0:0:/ftp --- config.php editing: - $CFG->dbtype = "text" -- this is needed to use a textfile as database... - $CFG->text['file'] = "path/to/userdata.txt" -- sets the file where your user's datas are... - $CFG->text['sep'] = ":" -- you can leave it... note: the file must be readable for the user running nanoFTPd -- written by Phanatic